
McDonald's RomaniaMcDonald’s Romania
Refrigeration systems and cold rooms.
Billa RomaniaBilla Romania
Refrigeration systems and furniture for supermarket store.
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for meat processing factory.
Fox Com ProdFox Com Prod
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for meat processing factory.
Meda Prod 98Meda Prod 98
Refrigeration and freezing systems. Fast freezing tunnel.
Caroli FoodCaroli Food
Refrigeration and freezing systems. Fast freezing tunnel.
Auchan RomaniaAuchan Romania
Refrigeration systems and furniture for hypermarket store.
Carrefour RomaniaCarrefour Romania
Refrigeration systems for supermarket store.
Agip RomaniaAgip Romania
Refrigeration and freezing cold rooms.
Ocean FishOcean Fish
Refrigeration systems for fish processing factory. Fast freezing tunnel for fish.
Agricola International BacauAgricola International Bacau
Refrigeration systems for poultry slaughterhouse, cooler (NH3).
H&E ReinertH&E Reinert
Refrigeration systems for meat processing factory (NH3).
Peny MarketPeny Market
Refrigeration systems for supermarket store.
Delaco DistributionDelaco Distribution
Refrigeration systems and panels for logistic warehouse.
Negro 2000Negro 2000
Refrigeration systems for fish processing factory.
Refrigeration and freezing cold rooms.
OMV - PetromOMV – Petrom
Refrigeration and freezing cold rooms.
Refrigeration systems and cold rooms.
Pizza HutPizza Hut
Freezing cold rooms.
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for storing medication.
XXL MarketXXL Market
Refrigeration systems for supermarket stores.
Refrigeration systems for fish processing factory. Fast freezing tunnel for fish.
Supreme ChocolatSupreme Chocolat
Air conditioning and refrigeration systems for chocolate.
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for storing medication.
Spring TimeSpring Time
Refrigeration and freezing cold rooms.
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for storage of frozen and refrigerated fish.
Refrigeration systems for meat processing factory and stores.
Refrigeration systems and cold stores for fish processing factory.